Restoring Eighteenmile Creek AOC (timeline)

Year Critical Actions
2013 EPA proposes a plan to demolish the former Flintkote plant site and clean up nine properties at the Eighteenmile Creek Superfund site.


Eighteenmile Creek is added to the Nation Priorities List. EPA plans to address the site in three phases, or operable units.

A comprehensive trackdown sampling project for various contaminants in the area of the Flintkote Plant Site is completed. This site is linked to unknown contaminant sources that are emitting various concentrations of PCBs, mercury and lead into Eighteenmile Creek.

A GIS database is created containing the historical and known sources of environmental contamination.


Eighteenmile Creek AOC Report Card completed.

Niagara County Soil & Water Conservation District takes over as lead agency for development and oversight of Eighteenmile Creek Remedial Action Plan


Phase I of the Eighteenmile Creek streambank stabilization & habitat restoration project is completed. The project is a major first step towards the creation of sustainable fisheries and improving access to Eighteenmile Creek.

2002 Three projects within the City of Lockport sewer system are developed for the reduction of CSOs. The Vine-North sewer project installs new sanitary sewers in the northeastern portion of the city to separate stormwater from the combined sewer system.
2001 Eighteenmile Creek RAP Status Update completed.
1997 Eighteenmile Creek Remedial Action Plan (RAP) completed.
1993 Eighteenmile Creek Remedial Advisory Committee established