Partners in Restoring Eighteenmile Creek AOC


Beginning in 2010, EPA awarded money from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to fund the Eighteenmile Creek restoration project.

The Eighteenmile Creek Remedial Advisory Committee (RAC)

A group of local officials, landowners, and stakeholders selected by the commissioner of the NYSDEC to provide a balanced representation of various segments of the community along the creek. The RAC worked with the NYSDEC to organize, develop and review the Remedail Action Plan and create public awareness and support for Eighteenmile Creek.

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The NYSDEC in partnership with the RAC, is responsible for development of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the remedial action plan (RAP) document that was completed and published in August of 1997. The commissioner of the NYSDEC is responsible for selecting the members of the RAC.

In collaboration with the RAC, NCSWCD is in the process of determining suitable and attainable delisting targets for the AOC.