E-Enterprise for the Environment

E-Enterprise Webinars

Follow-on Consultation for E-Enterprise for the Environment

These webinars were produced on June 21 and 27, 2016 as part of a follow-on Tribal Consultation and Coordination on the E-Enterprise Draft Charter for Governance. In response to the tribal comments EPA received during our initial consultation (March 9-April14, 2016) on the Draft Governance Charter, including requests for more time to consult on this issue, EPA has initiated a follow-up consultation and coordination to focus on specific questions and provide more time to respond.  Specifically, EPA is requesting feedback on our proposals for the number of tribal members of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council, the process for appointing them, and means to facilitate tribal engagement in the Leadership Council and E-Enterprise activities generally.

E-Enterprise for the Environment is a new model for collaborative leadership among environmental co-regulators, engaging with all interested and affected parties, to achieve positive environmental, human health, and economic outcomes. Through collaborative joint governance by tribes, states, and EPA, E-Enterprise will streamline business processes and drive and share environmental program delivery innovations. E-Enterprise builds upon the foundation of the Exchange Network, a proven communications and data analytics platform for sharing environmental information to foster informed decision-making.

Webinar for Tribal Consultation and Coordination on the E-Enterprise Draft Charter for E-Enterprise Governance

This webinar was produced on March 30, 2016 as part of Tribal Consultation and Coordination on the E-Enterprise Draft Charter for Governance. It provides more information about E-Enterprise and its proposed governance structure, and included an opportunity for tribes to ask questions and give comments. E-Enterprise for the Environment is a new model for collaborative leadership among environmental co-regulators, engaging with all interested and affected parties, to achieve positive environmental, human health, and economic outcomes. Through collaborative joint governance by EPA, states, and tribes, E-Enterprise will streamline business processes and drive and share environmental program delivery innovations. E-Enterprise builds upon the foundation of the Exchange Network, a proven communications and data analytics platform for sharing environmental information to foster informed decision-making.

The E-Enterprise for the Environment governance draft charter establishes the E-Enterprise Leadership Council, the E-Enterprise and Exchange Network Management Board, and the E-Enterprise and Exchange Network Interoperability and Operations Team. EPA is seeking increased tribal participation throughout E-Enterprise governance, and particularly on the Leadership Council.

E-Enterprise for the Environment