Partners in restoring Detroit River AOC

The DRCC was formed in 1998 as a partnership between community members, government, local industry, academia and environmental organizations. They work together to improve the water quality in the Area of Concern. The DRCC consists of the Detroit River Canadian Public Advisory Council and the Steering and Implementation Committee.

The governing body of Canada that is responsible for the cleanup of the Canadian portion of the AOC.

In 2005, the Friends of the Detroit River agreed to take on the role as coordinator of the local public advisory council for the Detroit River AOC. FDR has been a long-time active organization in the restoration and protection of the Detroit River. The organization contributes to several restoration projects, often partnering with agencies such as the MDEQ. The Friends also hold many events throughout the year to integrate the community with the river and promote its preservation.

MDEQ carries out several of the restoration projects in the American section of the Detroit River. They also produce updates to the remedial action plan and create delisting guidelines for the Michigan AOCs.

Michigan Sea Grant helps to foster economic growth and protect Michigan’s coastal, Great Lakes resources through education, research and outreach. A collaborative effort of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, Michigan Sea Grant is part of the NOAA-National Sea Grant network of 33 university-based programs.

A provincial environmental governing agency that aids in the restoration of the Canadian portion of the Detroit River AOC.