Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) – 2000 Report and Data

The CWNS 2000 Report to Congress summarizes the results of EPA's thirteenth national survey. Section 516 of the CWA requires EPA to periodically report to Congress state and national estimates and comprehensive studies on the costs for compliance with the CWA.

This report provides an analysis of the capital investment necessary to meet the nation's wastewater treatment and collection system needs and, to a limited extend, its municipal stormwater management program needs. EPA has also elected to include nonpoint source pollution control needs.

Access to Detailed Data

Data and reports can be access quickly and easily through the following three options:

  • Facility/Project Fact Sheet shows CWNS data available for an individual wastewater treatment plant, collection system, stormwater management facility, decentralized wastewater management project, or nonpoint source (NPS) pollution prevention project.
  • Ask WATERS Expert Query Tool provides data experts the ability to search and filter data within user selected tables (e.g. "Needs", "Flow"). Results are delivered in a tabular report and can be downloaded in CSV or HTML format.
  • CWNS 2000 Data File (ZIP)(1 pg, 11 MB)  - Download the Microsoft Access database to select data across multiple tables. The Microsoft Access database is contained within the downloadable ZIP file. Open the ZIP file to access the database.

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