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Section 404 of the Clean Water Act

Wetlands Silviculture Site Preparation Guidance and Resolution of Silviculture Issue

The Environmental Protection Agency spearheaded the resolution of a long-standing silvicultural issue affecting forested wetlands in the Southeast, by adopting an innovative approach, developed in coordination with forestry industry, environmental community, and State and Federal representatives.

In 1994, a process was begun to address the issue of silvicultural site preparation activities in wetlands, involving forest industry, environmental community, and State and Federal agency representatives. The resulting silvicultural site preparation guidance was issued on November 28, 1995, and is anticipated not only to maintain effective environmental protection, but also to provide greater certainty for landowners. The coordination by industry and environmental representatives in the development of the guidance also resulted in a commitment by these stakeholders to undertake a follow-up process, with States in the Southeast, to mutually identify wetland areas on industry lands that are of special concern and that would be managed to protect their natural values.