Restoring Cuyahoga River AOC (timeline)

Year Efforts towards Restoration

Ohio EPA releases a revised version of Delisting Guidance and Restoration Targets for Ohio Areas of Concern.

Ohio EPA's Delisting Guidance and Restoration Targets for Ohio Areas of Concern (PDF) (90 pp, 1.6 MB, About PDF)Exit May 2014


U.S. EPA expands the AOC boundary to include the Gorge Dam pool.

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funds Ohio EPA to assess the status of Cuyahoga River BUIs and monitor areas of the AOC to determine actions to be undertaken.

Ohio EPA and AOC partners are restoring habitat in the AOC.


Ohio EPA releases a revised version of the delisting targets for the Ohio AOCs.

This guidance document establishes statewide targets for restoring AOCs in Ohio. It also identifies the steps to remove the BUIs and delist the AOCs.

Ohio EPA Delisting Targets For Ohio Areas of Concern (PDF) 85x pp, 1.6 MB, About PDF) Exit December 2008, revised from 2005

2006 Bald eagles establish at least two nesting sites within the AOC, including a new nest along the main stem of the Cuyahoga River between Akron and Cleveland in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.


Several brochures are published to increase public awareness about topics related to the Cuyahoga River.

RAP/American Heritage River Initiative conducts a symposium on "Investing in Healthy Streams Sustains Healthy Communities.”

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completes a habitat feasibility study in the Cuyahoga River navigation channel that provides potential technologies and possible sites for habitat improvement. They also produce a report on conceptual designs for improvements in larval fish populations.


RAP consultants complete a GIS wetlands inventory and restoration assessment.

GIS Wetlands Inventory and Restoration Assessment (PDF)(34 pp, 11 MB, About PDF)Exit

U.S. EPA approves Ohio EPA’s Lower Cuyahoga River TMDL report outlining sources and causes for biological and water quality impairments along with remedial measures.

Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Lower Cuyahoga River (PDF) (110 pp, 4.3 MB, About PDF)Exit


Proceedings from the State of the River are published that include information regarding successful projects and various studies.


RAP implementation strategies are outlined.


The Cuyahoga River is recognized as one of fourteen American Heritage Rivers.

The RAP Stage I report is updated.


Stage I Remedial Action Plan report is completed. It identifies the impairments of beneficial uses and sources and the causes of those impairments.


Coordinating Committee establishes Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization to support RAP activities.


Ohio EPA establishes the Cuyahoga River RAP Coordinating Committee to develop the Cuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan.


Cuyahoga River is declared an Area of Concern by the International Joint Commission