Cleanups: What You Can Do
How Communities and Concerned Citizens Can Get Involved
Cleanups always benefit when communities and individuals get involved. These links provide more information on what you can do to help the cleanup effort.
- Community Engagement improves dialogue between EPA and local communities and stakeholders, including ways individuals can participate in cleanup decisions.
- Community Engagement and the Underground Storage Tanks Program
- Community Involvement and Engagement at Federal Facilities
- Community Involvement During Emergency Responses
- Superfund Community Involvement
- Brownfields Technical Assistance
- Sustainable Materials Management ?
- Compendium of Key Community Engagement Practices
- The Importance of Effective Community Engagement For Sustainable Infrastructure
- Public Participation in Waste Facility Permitting Decisions for both hazardous and municipal solid waste facilities.
- Environmental Justice offers strategies and tools to help combat the disproportionate amount of adverse health and environmental effects of pollution in minority and/or low-income communities.
- What You Can Do to Clean the Air
- Ways to Protect the Air in Your Home
- Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools ?
- What You Can Do to Reduce Emissions from Vehicles
- Clean Air Act Plain English Guide (with a section on Ways to Reduce Air Pollution)
- How You Can Help Keep Urban Waters Clean
- What You Can Do about Water Quality and Quantity - this Water page includes a section on What You Can Do.
- EPA for Citizen Action includes resources to help you understand environmental issues and potential human health risks, along with ways that you, your family and your community can protect the environment.