
Profiles of Members of EPA's Asian-American and Pacific Islander Community: Ahmed Amanulah

Profiles of Members of EPA's Asian-American and Pacific Islander Community

Picture of Ahmed sitting by the water.Ahmed Amanulah, Senior Engineer
Air, Pesticides & Toxics Management Division
Atlanta, GA (EPA Region 4)

Where were you born?

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

What brought you to EPA?

As an avid traveler who enjoys nature’s beauty, the environment has always been a significant part of my life. While I worked with several state agencies on environmental issues, I met many EPA employees. Eventually, I joined EPA to make a difference not only in one state, but nationwide.

What type of work do you do at EPA?

I manage air reporting requirements under the Clean Air Act for 9,000 facilities in R4. I work very closely with state and local agencies, industry and the general public. As the senior engineer, I’m responsible for leading a team that collects and analyzes the scientific data necessary for the agency to make sound decisions and develop environmental policy.

What is your highest level of education? What was your major?

I have a B.S. in mechanical engineering with a minor in information technology.

What message would you like to send other Asian Americans who are considering college or a career in environmental protection?

For anyone considering a career in environmental science or environmental protection, I recommend a lot of patience and commitment. While obtaining results, at times, may be a very slow process, the end results are by far very rewarding.

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