Profiles of African Americans at EPA: Jonathan Newton
Profiles of African Americans at EPA

Jonathan Newton, Attorney Advisor
Office of the Administrator
Washington, DC
Where were you born?
Bronx, New York.
What brought you to EPA?
My passion for public service drew me to EPA. After overcoming many challenges getting through school, I looked for chances to give back to the community. I felt EPA was the ideal place for me. I get a sense of satisfaction from knowing that we do the best we can and that someone is better off for the effort.
What type of work do you do at EPA?
Currently, I am the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Coordinator for the Office of the Administrator. I've worked on the transition to electronic FOIA processing to promote transparency in government operations. In order to respond to FOIA requests, I compile information, review records, brief senior managers and respond accordingly.
What is your highest level of education? What was your major?
I have a law degree from Harvard Law School and a master of divinity from Virginia Union University.
What message would you like to send other Black/African Americans who are considering college or a career in environmental protection?
Be mindful that overwhelming sacrifices were required to create opportunities that are easily taken for granted, so don't waste the moment. Show your gratitude for the blood, sweat and tears of our predecessors by pursuing excellence in every aspect of life.