Profiles of African Americans at EPA: Brandon Jones
Profiles of African Americans at EPA

Brandon Jones, Assistant Center Director
Office of Research and Development
Washington, DC
Where were you born?
In southwestern Ohio.
What brought you to EPA?
After grad school, I decided that public service was my calling. I would rather serve the public than pursue a career fighting for grant money in academia.
What type of work do you do at EPA?
I'm the lead for EPA’s fellowship programs, such as Science to Achieve Results (STAR) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). I 'm also the program manager for ecosystems-related research within the National Center for Environmental Research. Basically, our office is responsible for extramural research funding at EPA. The office awards funding to university students, scientists and engineers to conduct research that will improve the scientific basis for our environmental decision-making process.
What is your highest level of education? What was your major?
I have a Ph.D. in marine science.
What message would you like to send other Black/African Americans who are considering college or a career in environmental protection?
Have a vision about what you want to be, not where you want to be. Then be flexible as to where that vision takes you.