Equal Opportunity Employment at EPA
EPA is an equal opportunity employer. Selection for positions with the agency is based solely on merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status or other differences. On this page, you can learn:
- what we do to support a diverse workforce, and
- how we ensure equal opportunity in employment to individuals with disabilities
Supporting a Diverse Workforce

At EPA, diversity is a vital element in bringing a balance of perspectives to bear on every challenge we face. We are committed to creating a diverse workforce because we know that the individual strengths and abilities of our employees make us a stronger organization. The more inclusive our employee base is, the greater the variety of ideas that are generated, and the more representative we are of the nation we serve.
EPA recognizes and supports a number of voluntary employee organizations, or "affinity" groups, organized around shared interests or characteristics. Below, you'll discover a few examples of the initiatives and affinity groups that support the professional and personal development of our diverse workforce.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiative
EPA is working to implement the goals of Executive Order 13515, to increase opportunities and improve the quality of life of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). Its long-term strategy is to promote opportunities for community partnership, economic development, education, and employment.
- Read entries from our blog It's Our Environment written by Asian-American employees Sharon Lin, Pankaj Arora, Vance Fong, Andrew Chu, and Keith Takata.
Hispanic Initiative
Hispanics are the largest and fastest growing diversity group in America. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Department of Labor, Hispanics are identified as one of two "severely under-represented diversity groups" in the federal government in terms of employment. At EPA, this endeavor is taken seriously. In the summer of 2007, EPA helped to author, establish, and lead a new and special partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in America - the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), to address critical issues paramount to Hispanics.
- Read entries from our blog It's Our Environment written by Hispanic employees Lisa Garcia, Jose Lozano, and Lina Younes.
Other Affinity Groups
- African American Male Forum (AAMF)
- Asian Pacific American Council (APAC)
- Blacks in Government (BIG)
- Federal Managers Association (FMA)
- Federal Older Workers League (Fed OWL)
- Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Employees (GLOBE)
- Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC)
EPA's Special Emphasis and Diversity Programs
EPA's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) manages National Special Emphasis and Diversity Programs. OCR staff develop internal equal employment opportunity policies and procedures, develop and implement training, and provide oversight and technical assistance to our headquarters program management offices, regional offices and laboratories. The programs include:
- American Indian/Alaska Native Employment Program,
- Asian American/Pacific Islander Employment Program,
- Black Employment Special Emphasis Program,
- Disability Employment Program,
- Diversity Program for Older Workers,
- Diversity Program for Sexual Orientation. Black Employment Program,
- Federal Women's Program,
- Hispanic Employment Program, and
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Program.
Already working at EPA? Learn more about our Special Emphasis and Diversity Programs on our intranet site.
Ensuring Equal Opportunity to Individuals with Disabilities
EPA prides itself in our efforts to hire people with disabilities, and in our efforts to accommodate employees with disabilities.
How Do I Get Hired?
Through amendments to the Rehabilitation Act, we can hire individuals with disabilities two ways:
competitively through USAJobs.gov. If you also qualify for Schedule A hiring authority, you'll see a box you can check in one of the USAJobs application fields to indicate that you want to be considered under this authority. You can also indicate on your resume that you are applying under Schedule A.
You will need to provide documentation of your disability. You can upload the documentation into your application on USAJobs (just like you can upload your resume), but we recommend that you also send the documentation to the Human Resources Officer listed in the job announcement.
- non-competitively, through a number of special appointing authorities that agencies may use to fill jobs, including:
- a special appointing authority to hire 30-percent-or-more-disabled veterans, and
- Schedule A hiring authority. Job placements under Schedule A are limited to individuals with cognitive disabilities (mental retardation), severe physical abilities, or psychiatric disabilities. You will need to provide documentation from:
- a licensed medical professional;
- a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist; or
- any federal agency, state agency, or agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits.
Related Federal Government Information
- Disability.gov
- USAJobs.gov information
- Department of Labor publication: The ABCs of Schedule A for Applicants with Disabilities: Tips for Getting Federal Jobs (PDF)
- U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Federal Employment of People with Disabilities
- Main disability employment page
- Information for job seekers with disabilities
- Executive Order 13548 (July 2010) (PDF) directs federal agencies to develop plans to promote employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
- Memorandum of understanding between EPA and Gallaudet University (May 2012) announcing a collaboration to increase the number of qualified college graduates who apply for full time employment and internship positions at the EPA. Exit