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Targeted Brownfields Assessments - How to Apply Criteria

  1. Site Control And Ownership Transfer Is Not An Impediment
    • Site is publicly owned either by a municipality or through a quasi-public entity such as a redevelopment authority or industrial development corporation.
    • Site is owned by a nonprofit entity such as a community development corporation.
    • Site is privately owned and a clear means of recouping EPA expenditures is available (e.g., through an agreement with the owner or developer or through a lien), or the private entity has performed prior environmental work at the site.
  2. There Is Strong Municipal Commitment
    • There is a strong municipal commitment as demonstrated by a willingness to legally take the property if necessary, establishment of financial incentives, or commitment of municipal resources for other components of the project.
  3. There Is Clear Municipal/Community Support For The Property's Revitalization
    • The site is clearly an integral part of a local development plan and there is no known public opposition.
  4. There Are Adequate Resources And High Developer Interest
    • The municipality or potential site developer has demonstrated an ability to leverage additional funds for cleanup and other future work at the site; and/or the site has strong development potential as demonstrated by past or present interest by a developer(s).
  5. EPA Assessment Assistance Is Crucial
    • Lack of site assessment is the major obstacle to redevelopment and other resources are not available for assessing the site.
  6. There Is State/Congressional Support
    • The state/congressional members have no objection to federal involvement or the redevelopment project.
  7. Existing Information Supports Directing Resources To The Site
    • Based on existing information, the site is likely to have low to moderate levels of contamination.
    • Commitments are in place for the cleanup and redevelopment of the site.
    • Redevelopment will result in benefits to the community, such as an increase in jobs for the surrounding residents.
  8. The Project Area Has A Clear Need For Revitalization
    • The project has significant deterioration or significant environmental justice issues, which provide a clear need for revitalization.
  9. There Is State Support
    • There is clear coordination between EPA Region 3 and the state
  10. The Project Is Consistent With Other Economic Redevelopment Initiatives
    • Site has an important linkage to other EPA/state initiatives.
    • A direct health/environmental threat will be mitigated or site revitalization will serve to spur further beneficial activity in nearby locations.
    • There is consistency with other federal agency Brownfields efforts, e.g., economic redevelopment efforts.

Mail/Email your criteria responses, along with a cover letter summarizing the site and redevelopment project, to:

Mike Taurino
US EPA Region 3 (3HS51)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029