Guidance Documents on Substantial Risk Notifications under TSCA
On June 3, 2003, EPA finalized revisions to its 1978 TSCA Section 8(e) Policy Statement. This revised guidance was published in its entirety, after notice and comment, in the Federal Register and is entitled: TSCA section 8(e); Notification of Substantial Risk; Policy Clarification and Reporting Guidance. The revisions, among other things, addressed the reporting of information about the release and detection of chemical substances in environmental media; the reporting deadline for ‘‘substantial risk’’ information; and the circumstances under which certain information need not be reported to EPA under section 8(e) of TSCA. This revised guidance is to be used in conjunction with other Agency guidance provided below. In any particular set of circumstances, any person who has a question about the applicability of section 8(e) to certain information is welcome to contact EPA.
June 3, 2003 TSCA section 8(e) Guidance (68 FR 33129): TSCA section 8(e); Notification of Substantial Risk; Policy Clarification and Reporting Guidance
January 12, 2005 Correction and Clarification: TSCA section 8(e) Reporting Guidance; Correction, Clarification of Applicability, and Announcement Regarding the Issuance Questions and Answers
Appendix A (PDF) (TSCA section 8(e) Policy Statement) (March 16, 1978; 43 FR 11110)
Appendix B (PDF) (June 1991 TSCA section 8(e) Reporting Guide)
Appendix C (Other TSCA section 8(e) Federal Register Notices); May 29, 1987 (PDF) ; February 1, 1991 (PDF)(4 pp, 441K); April 26, 1991 (PDF) ; June 20, 1991 (PDF), July 13, 1993 (PDF) ; September 3, 1993 (PDF); March 20, 1995 (PDF)