AQS Memos - Lead monitors and the analyzing agency

AQS Notes for January 4, 2013 Software deployment & General info


Lead monitors and the analyzing agency

AQSQA refresh

AQS Processing Results email includes a link to any failed transactions

  1. Lead monitors

For lead monitors in AQS, the “analyzing” agency should be the laboratory performing the lead filter analyses. (If the lab you use does not have an agency code in AQS, please contact

In reviewing the lead monitors, we’ve found some that are missing the analyzing agency, or some for which the analyzing agency is set to the same agency as the PQAO. If this applies to one of your lead monitors, you will be receiving a separate email.

  1. AQSQA refresh on January 19, 2013

This means that the most recent copy of the production database (AQSPROD) will be copied to the test database (AQSQA.) Unless you are doing Exchange Network node testing, this will not impact you.

  1. AQS Processing Results - now contains the records that failed to load.

Users, especially Node users, requested this so they would have the option to edit the transactions outside of AQS.

Now, during the Load process, AQS will automatically create a text file of all the transactions that fail to load and a link to this file is included in the “AQS Processing Results” email. (See example below.)

Records that failed to load are available at:


This file is sent for your convenience. To fix the errors, you can either edit this file externally and resubmit, or fix them via the AQS Correct forms.