AQS Convert80

The Convert 80 program is a tool that will convert transactions from an 80 card column format to a valid AQS transaction. 

Download the Convert 80 Character Card Image transaction(s) to AQS Format(1 pg, 22 K)

Installation instructions:
You will be prompted to 'Open' or 'Save', select 'Save'. Once the download completes open the folder that you saved the zip file to. Right click on the zip file, at the popup menu select 'Winzip', from there select 'Unzip to here'. There is not an installation program for the convert80 application. Simply open a command prompt and navigate to the folder you extracted it to. To convert files do the following:

  • Type convert80 at the command prompt
  • The syntax for the program will be displayed
  • There are 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter:
    • Input File - File you wish to convert
    • Output File - Converted file
    • [OPTIONAL] - Error File
      • By default all errors are written to convert80.log, you can specify a different file to capture errors if you wish

Note: If you receive a message about a missing dll (mscrv120.dll) please have your IT Support person download the required runtime library from the following Microsoft support site: