Clean Air Markets

Summary of Part 75 Administrative Processes: Table 2

Revised 3/11/2009

Table 2: Recertification
Submittal Requirement Rule Citation(s) Contents of Submittal Submit to Whom? Submit When? Comments
Recertification Test Notification § 75.61 (a)(1),

§ 75.20 (b)(2),

§ 75.20 (g)(2)
Notification (written or by telephone) of date(s) of recertification*** tests. CAMD, EPA Region, State. ≥ 21 days prior to commencement of recertification testing (if all recertification tests are required)


≥ 7 days prior to commencement of recertification testing (if only certain recertification tests are required)


≤ 2 days after testing is scheduled, in emergency situations.
Test date may be rescheduled if notice is provided either ≥ 7 business days (for full recertifications) or ≥ 2 business days (for partial recertifications) before the earlier of the original or new date.

CAMD, EPA Region or State may waive notification requirement or may reinstate it if previously waived.

Notification not required for Appendix D fuel flowmeter accuracy testing.
Recertification Application §  75.62,

§  75.63
Recertification test results (hard copy and electronic).

Changes to the monitoring plan, if any (hard copy and electronic).

An electronic "QA Certification Event Data" record is required.
Hardcopy test results to EPA Region, State.

Electronic test results and changes to the electronic monitoring plan to CAMD using the ECMPS Client Tool.

Hardcopy monitoring plan changes (if any) to EPA Region, State.
≤ 45 days after completion of recertification testing. For Subpart E alternative monitoring systems, submit hardcopy test results to CAMD.

For other recertifications, submit hardcopy test results to CAMD only upon request.

EPA Region or State may waive hardcopy test submittal requirement or may reinstate it if previously waived.
Notice of Approval or Disapproval § 75.20 (b)(5) Written notice of approval or disapproval of recertification application. Administrator provides notice to owner or operator. ≤ 120 days after receipt of a complete recertification application. 120 day clock starts upon receipt of a complete application.
Notice of Incomplete Application § 75.20 (b)(5) Notification that the recertification application is incomplete. Administrator provides notice to owner or operator. If application is found to be incomplete. A reasonable time is provided to submit the missing information. Non-compliance with this notice may result in disapproval of application.

*** Recertification is required when a replacement or change to a monitoring system may significantly affect the accuracy of the system. Recertification is also required if a change in unit operation or a change to the flue gas handling system may significantly affect the flow or concentration profile. Examples of changes that require recertification include analyzer replacement, change in probe location, and complete system replacement. Also, any change that requires non-routine RATA testing, or fuel flowmeter accuracy testing, or Appendix E re-testing is considered to be a recertification event, with one exception: changing the polynomial coefficients or K-factor(s) of a flow monitor or moisture monitor requires RATA testing but is not considered a recertification event [see §§ 75.20 (b) and 75.20 (g)(6)].

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