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Integrated Planning Model (IPM) Base Case 2006 (v.3.0)

NOTE: Since the release of EPA's Integrated Planning Model (IPM) Base Case 2006 (v3.0), EPA has periodically adjusted various model parameters for specific analyses based on updated market projections and policy focus. Whereas this page contains the most comprehensive documentation on EPA's use of the IPM model, the reader should not assume that all listed parameter values for EPA's IPM Base Case 2006 (v3.0) were used as input assumptions in subsequent EPA analyses using the IPM model. EPA has issued supplemental documentation to identify where these parameters changed for individual analyses, which can be accessed through the main IPM portal.

EPA's IPM Base Case 2006 (v3.0) includes updates of IPM's assumptions, inputs, and capabilities. To perform the update, EPA obtained input from nationally recognized experts in fuels, technology, and power system operation. Power companies provided information on generating resources and emission controls. EPA also obtained input from Regional Planning Organizations, states, and their constituent organizations. Key update areas include:

  • Coal Supply and Transportation Assumptions
  • Natural Gas Assumptions
  • Federal and State Emission Regulations and Enforcement Actions
  • Cost and Performance of Generating Technologies and Emission Controls
  • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), and Heat Rates
  • Power System Operating Characteristics and Structure
  • Electric Generating Unit Inventory
  • Modeling Time Horizon and Run Years (2010, 2015, 2020, 2025)

Documentation for EPA Base Case 2006 (v3.0)

To learn more about EPA Base Case 2006 (v3.0) assumptions, updates, changes, and enhancements, see the documentation files by clicking the link below. (Note: These files provide documentation largely in the form of data tables and graphics.)

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IPM Results Using EPA Base Case 2006 (v3.0)

Click on the run identification number in the second column of the following table to download a zipped archive file containing:

Base Case 2006 (v.3.0)
Description IPM Run/File ID
EPA Base Case 2006 - All Run Files Base Case 2006 (ZIP)(4 MB)
EPA Base Case 2006 parsed for year 2010 2010 Parsed for Base Case 2006 (ZIP)(1 MB)
EPA Base Case 2006 parsed for year 2015 2015 Parsed for Base Case 2006 (ZIP)(1 MB)
EPA Base Case 2006 parsed for year 2020 2020 Parsed for Base Case 2006 (ZIP)(1 MB)

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National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) 2006

The National Electric Energy Data System or “NEEDS” database contains the generation unit records used to construct the "model" plants that represent existing and planned/committed units in EPA modeling applications of IPM. NEEDS includes basic geographic, operating, air emissions, and other data on these generating units. NEEDS was completely updated for Base Case 2006 (v3.0). For a description of the sources used in preparing NEEDS 2006, see Base Case 2006 Documentation (v3.0), Section 4: Generating Resources.

Documentation and Run Results Using Previous Base Cases

Details about previous IPM Base Cases are also available. To view and download earlier base and policy case run results, visit Past EPA Modeling Applications Using The Integrated Planning Model.

« Return to the Past EPA Modeling Applications page

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