Clean Air Markets - Data Resources

EPA's Clean Air Markets relies on data to track changes in the environment and has been collecting data since 1990. This section of the website provides information about the major data tools and resources used by the Clean Air Markets Programs.
Air Markets Program Data (AMPD) - This tool allows users to search EPA’s detailed datasets to answer scientific, general, policy, and regulatory questions about power industry emissions.
Clean Air Status & Trends Network (CASTNET) - CASTNET is a national air quality monitoring network that provides data to assess trends in air quality, atmospheric deposition, and ecological effects due to changes in air pollutant emissions.
Emissions & Generation Database (eGRID) - eGRID is a comprehensive source of data on the environmental characteristics of almost all electric power generated in the United States, including air emissions for nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide; emissions rates; net generation; resource mix; and many other attributes.
EPA Power Sector Modeling - EPA uses the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) to analyze the projected impact of environmental policies on the electric power sector in the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia.
Surface Water Monitoring - Surface Water Monitoring is achieved through two programs that track changes in surface water chemistry in response to changing air emissions and deposition: the Temporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems (TIME) project and the Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) project.