Business Center
Getting Started

This area provides tools and resources that enable the regulated community, as well as states and regions, to participate in Clean Air Markets regulatory programs designed to improve air quality. Sources must use EPA's Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) Exit to comply with the Acid Rain Program, Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). Industry sources are encouraged to use the CAMD Business System (CBS) to manage accounts and perform various tasks online, including designating representatives, trading allowances, performing annual compliance, and assigning agents.
Getting Started Using CBS and ECMPS:
- Becoming a Designated Representative
The primary designated representative is a person chosen by the owners and operator of a plant to act on their behalf to provide required submissions to the EPA. Although the primary designated representative may assign an alternate designated representative to act on his or her behalf, the primary designated representative is ultimately responsible for ensuring that accurate, complete, and timely submissions are made.
You must be recognized as a designated representative (primary or alternate) or an agent of a designated representative in the CAMD database in order to submit data to EPA using CBS or ECMPS. Exit
To become recognized as either a designated representative, you can use CBS, or you can submit the paper Certificate of Representation. If you use CBS, review the CBS Certificate of Representation tutorial first, as there are rules as to who can assign representation online. If you use the paper form, it must be completed in its entirety, as it supersedes any previous submissions. Please read all form instructions carefully.
- Assigning Agents
An agent is someone authorized to act on behalf of a representative (primary or alternative). Designated representatives can assign agents using CBS, or you can submit the paper Agent Notice of Delegation. If you use CBS, review the Agent Tutorial found on the CBS home page first. Note that the primary representative is legally responsible for actions taken by his or her agents, as well as agents of the alternate representative. Representatives may remove agents using either of these methods as well.
Please note that agents for a previous plant/account representative will not be automatically assigned to a newly appointed plant/account representative. Each representative must assign his own agents, authorizing them to perform work on his behalf.
- Types of Agents
Note that a person may be designated as more than one type of agent, and a representative may assign more than one person as the same agent type.
- Source Management – A source management agent has the authority to add or edit facility, unit, owner, operator, or representative information (Certificates of Representation); and provide facility contact information. Source management agents have access to all facilities and units of a representative.
- Compliance – A compliance agent has the authority to submit optional allowance deduction information and to run compliance (includes both draft “what if” and official compliance deduction options). Compliance agents have access to all facilities for a representative.
- Allowance Trading – An allowance trading agent has the authority to perform allowance transfers using CBS. Allowance trading agents have access to all accounts for a representative.
- General Account Management – A general account management agent has the authority to add or edit account information for existing general accounts (e.g., adding or editing designated representatives and binding party information), or they can add a new general account. General account management agents have access to all accounts of a representative. Note that general accounts are NOT associated with specific facilities or units.
- Retrieve Monitoring Plan, QA, and Emissions Data – A retrieve agent has the authority to retrieve monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data from the EPA host system and load it into the ECMPS Client Tool. Exit Retrieve agents have access to all facilities and units for a representative but CANNOT submit to the EPA host system. ECMPS Retrieve only agents DO NOT receive ECMPS feedback.
- Submit Monitoring Plan Data – This type of submit agent has the authority to submit monitoring plan data from the ECMPS Client Tool Exit to the EPA host system for units for which that responsibility has been assigned. All submit agents may also retrieve data from the EPA host system, and will receive ECMPS feedback for the plants/units to which they are assigned.
- Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data – This type of submit agent has the authority to submit monitoring plan and QA data from the ECMPS Client Tool Exit to the EPA host system for units for which that responsibility has been assigned. If you assign a person as a submit monitoring plan and QA data agent, you do not need to also assign the person as a submit monitoring plan data agent. All submit agents may also retrieve data from the EPA host system, and will receive ECMPS feedback for the plants/units to which they are assigned.
- Submit Monitoring Plan, QA and Emissions Data – This type of submit agent has the authority to submit monitoring plan, QA and emissions data from the ECMPS Client Tool Exit to the EPA host system, for units for which that responsibility has been assigned. If you assign a person as a submit monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data agent, you do not need to also assign the person as a submit monitoring plan data or submit monitoring plan and QA data agent. All submit agents may also retrieve data from the EPA host system, and will receive ECMPS feedback for the plants/units to which they are assigned.
- Registering to Use CBS and ECMPS
Note: As of March 17, 2009, EPA requires more stringent security practices for all EPA data systems that are used to report data electronically. See information regarding the Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR). Questions about CROMERR should be directed to .
Once you are recognized as either a designated representative or an agent in the CAMD database, you may register to use CBS and ECMPS. Steps should be taken in the following order:
- Submit a hard copy Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA).
The ESA provides a wet-ink signature that identifies each CBS/ECMPS user and provides rules with which each user needs to comply to maintain his or her user name and password. You only need to submit the ESA once. EPA must receive the ESA in hard copy.
Visit the section of the site containing forms to download the
. You are strongly encouraged to use overnight mail. - Obtain a user name and temporary password for CBS/ECMPS.
After CAMD receives and processes your hard copy ESA form, you may obtain a user name and temporary password by CALLING one of the following:
- Karen Vansickle: 202-343-9220
- Kirk Nabors: 202-343-9171
- Paula Branch: 202-343-9168
User names and passwords cannot be sent via email and must be given directly to the recipient.
- Log into CBS and change your temporary password.
After receiving a user name and temporary password, you must log into CBS and change your temporary password. You must NOT share your user name and password with others. Please note that you must change your CBS password every 90 days. You will receive a reminder email 30 days before your password expires. Your user name and password are the same for CBS and ECMPS.
- Answer and maintain five challenge questions.
There is a list of 20 questions from which to select. These questions are similar to those you might see at a banking website and ask you for information only you should know. You may change your challenge questions and answers at any time, but you must always maintain at least five questions. If you do not select your challenge questions, you will not be able to submit data using CBS or ECMPS. CAMD cannot retrieve your challenge question answers for you.
- Providing security information upon the submission of data.
Upon submission of data through CBS or ECMPS, you will have to enter your user name, password, and the answer to one randomly chosen challenge question. You will have three chances to enter this information correctly, or you will be locked out of the data systems.
- Submit a hard copy Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA).
CAMD Business System

The CAMD Business System (CBS) is a Web-based application that allows sources affected by Clean Air Markets Programs to perform tasks online instead of submitting . Only a of an affected source may use CBS.
Tasks that can be performed in CBS:
- Add/edit facility unit data
- Add/edit information for general accounts
- Identify representatives (legally responsible individuals) for a facility or an account
- Open a general account to hold and/or transfer allowances
- Add/edit owner or operator information
- Transfer allowances for any program
- Perform annual compliance-related tasks
- Edit the personal contact information for industry personnel
- Designate agents to perform functions on behalf of representatives
Access the CAMD Business System (CBS)
Phishing Notice and Security Enhancements
Are you a new user to CBS?
New CBS users can learn how to register for CBS in
. Once you have registered and are logged in, tutorials on how to use CBS are available within the application.Reporting Emissions Data Using ECMPS

The Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) is a desktop tool that sources must use to submit monitoring plans, QA data, and emission data to EPA to comply with the Acid Rain Program, Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
Learn more about monitoring emissions data. For general ECMPS questions, contact Louis Nichols or Craig Hillock.
You must be recognized as either a designated representative or an ECMPS agent in the CAMD database in order to use the ECMPS Client Tool. Exit
Limited access to the ECMPS Client Tool is provided for test contractors and environmental consultants, as well as to EPA and state users
On April 6, 2016, the MATS Technical Corrections final rule was published in the Federal Register with an effective date of April 6, 2016. The final rule will require reprogramming of ECMPS to accommodate changes to certain quality assurance testing requirements for mercury (Hg) and, if necessary, other pollutants. EPA anticipates these changes to be incorporated into the 2016 Q3 or Q4 software release. Emission reporters should not rely on the ECMPS software as the sole means for determining if their data are valid. EPA reminds emission reporters to refer to the rule and take steps, if necessary, to invalidate data per the rule requirements.
Contact an EPA ECMPS analyst for your region.
- ECMPS Client Tool Software Exit
- ECMPS Tutorials Exit
- Technical Information
- Reporting Instructions
- ECMPS Minimum System Requirements Exit
Are You a New User to ECMPS?
New ECMPS users can learn how to register for ECMPS in Getting Started. See ECMPS tutorials. Exit
EPA and State Users (SMS)

The Source Management System (SMS) is a Web-based application that EPA, state, and local partners can use to view important information, such as:
- Facility and unit level data
- Program data
- Designated representatives
- Agent information
- Facility contact information
- Unit owners and operators
EPA, state, and local partners can view monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data and can register to receive copies of data submission feedback submitted through the Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) Client Tool. Exit
- Registering for SMS
To access SMS, an EPA/state/local partner must be registered in the CAMD database. To be added to the CAMD database, send the following information via email to Laurel DeSantis at (
- First Name, Last Name
- Agency
- Title
- Address (street, city, state, zip)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Obtaining a User Name and Password
Once added to the CAMD database, obtain an SMS user name and password by contacting Karen VanSickle at 202-343-9220, Kirk Nabors at 202-343-9171 or Paula Branch at 202-343-9168. When you call, indicate that you are an EPA/state/local partner.
- Logging Into SMS
Remember that your password is case sensitive.
- The first time you log into SMS you will need to immediately change the initial user name and password you were provided. Please note that you must change your SMS password every 90 days. You will receive a reminder email 30 days before your password expires.
- After you change your initial password, you will be on the SMS home page. Click on the EPA/state/local staff link.
- Enter your last name in the Last Name field and click the Find button.
- When your name appears in the grid, highlight it and click the Select button.
- Review your contact information, make any changes as necessary, and click the Save button.
- Receiving Copies of Monitoring and QA/Certification Feedback
- Log into SMS. Remember that your password is case sensitive.
- Click the EPA/state/local staff link.
- Enter your last name in the Last Name field and click the Find button.
- When your name appears in the grid, highlight it and click the Select button.
- Review your contact information, make any necessary changes, and click the Save button.
- Click the Edit Responsibilities button.
- If there are any responsibilities currently assigned to you, they will appear in a grid. To remove responsibilities, click the box in the Remove column on the far left side of the grid for the row you wish to remove, and click the Remove button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- To add new facilities/areas of responsibility, click the Add button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- You can select facilities by typing in the Facility Name or Facility ID (ORISPL) and clicking the Find button, or by using the dropdown arrows for EPA region or state and clicking the Find button.
- When the appropriate facility (facilities) appear on the left side of the screen, you can highlight them and click the Add button to move them to the right side of the screen (use the control or shift keys to move more than one over at a time). When all the desired facilities are added to the right side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow under Areas of Responsibility.
- Select the CEMs Monitoring area of responsibility, and click the Select button. You can only choose one area of responsibility at a time.
Please note that if you select an area of responsibility but you do not select specific facilities, you will NOT receive copies of any feedback.
- Receiving Copies of Emissions Feedback
- Log into SMS. Remember that your password is case sensitive.
- Click the EPA/state/local staff link.
- Enter your last name in the Last Name field and click the Find button.
- When your name appears in the grid, highlight it and click the Select button.
- Review your contact information, make any necessary changes, and click the Save button.
- Click the Edit Responsibilities button.
- If there are any responsibilities currently assigned to you, they will appear in a grid. To remove responsibilities, click the box in the Remove column on the far left side of the grid for the row you wish to remove, and click the Remove button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- To add new facilities/areas of responsibility, click the Add button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- You can select facilities by typing in the Facility Name or Facility ID (ORISPL) and clicking the Find button, or by using the dropdown arrows for EPA region or state and clicking the Find button.
- When the appropriate facility (facilities) appear on the left side of the screen, you can highlight them and click the Add button to move them to the right side of the screen (use the control or shift keys to move more than one over at a time). When all the desired facilities are added to the right side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow under Areas of Responsibility.
- Select the Emissions Reporting area of responsibility and click the Select button. You can only choose one area of responsibility at a time.
Please note that if you select an area of responsibility but you do not select specific facilities, you will NOT receive copies of any feedback.
- Viewing Data Through the ECMPS Client Tool
- Log in to SMS. Remember that your password is case sensitive.
- Click the EPA/state/local staff link.
- Enter your last name in the Last Name field and click the Find button.
- When your name appears in the grid, highlight it and click the Select button.
- Review your contact information, make any necessary changes, and click the Save button.
- Click the Edit Responsibilities button.
- If there are any responsibilities currently assigned to you, they will appear in a grid. To remove responsibilities, click the box in the Remove column on the far left side of the grid for the row you wish to remove, and click the Remove button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- To add new facilities/areas of responsibility, click the Add button at the top or bottom of the grid.
- You can select facilities by typing in the Facility Name or Facility ID (ORISPL) and clicking the Find button, or by using the dropdown arrows for EPA region or state and clicking the Find button.
- When the appropriate facility (facilities) appear on the left side of the screen, you can highlight it and click the Add button to move them to the right side of the screen (use the control or shift keys to move more than one over at a time). When all the desired facilities are added to the right side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow under Areas of Responsibility.
- Select the CEMs Monitoring or Emissions Reporting area of responsibility and click the Select button. You can only choose one area of responsibility at a time. Selecting either area of responsibility will give you access to all the data in the ECMPS Client Tool Exit for the facility (facilities) you have selected.
Please note that currently, if you select CEMs Monitoring, Emissions Reporting, or both of the areas of responsibility because you wish to view the data through the ECMPS Client Tool, you will receive copies of quarterly feedback for the facility (facilities) and area(s) of responsibility you have selected. CAMD realizes that in many cases, EPA/state/local partners only want to view the data through the ECMPS Client Tool, and they do not want to receive copies of the feedback. CAMD is working to add functionality that will enable EPA/state/local partners to opt out of receiving copies of the quarterly feedback. This is an extensive change to our current application and will take some time to put in place. Once the functionality is in place, EPA/state/local partners will be informed, and this guidance will be modified to include instructions for opting out of receiving copies of quarterly feedback.
- Download the ECMPS Client Tool
- Go to Exit
- Click the Downloads link to install the ECMPS Client Tool.
- Questions about installing the ECMPS Client Tool should be directed to the technical support staff (
- Questions about viewing monitoring plan, QA/Certification, or Emissions data should also be directed to the technical support staff.
- Please be very specific and detailed when sending questions to tech support so they can assist you in a timely manner.
- Use your SMS user name and password to log into the ECMPS Client Tool. Exit Remember that your password is case sensitive.
Please check with your permitting authority before submitting some of the forms below. It is possible that a state or local permitting authority has modified these forms and that only the state-modified versions are required. This section contains information on the following:
- Acid Rain Program Forms
- Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) Forms
- Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (MATS) Forms
- Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Forms
Information about the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) CO2 Budget Trading Programs. Exit
You can enter most of the form data using the CAMD Business System (CBS).
Note: Electronic submissions must follow Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation and use the Electronic Signature Agreement Form.
If you are mailing one of the forms listed in this section, we recommend using overnight delivery services to ensure timely receipt of documents. Please mark all overnight deliveries with the name and phone number of the person to whom the package should be delivered.
Street Address (overnight mail and package delivery)
Clean Air Markets Division
1201 Constitution Avenue, NW
7th Floor, Room 7421M
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 343-9118
Regular or certified mail
Clean Air Markets Division
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 6204J
Washington, DC 20460
View and Download Forms
- Acid Rain Program, CSAPR, and MATS Forms
- Acid Rain Program SO2 Allowance Auction Forms
- Acid Rain Permitting
EPA form 7610-14, Certification Application, is no longer required.
For information on monitoring, see Emissions Monitoring.
For instructions on how to report emissions, see Reporting Emissions.
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
Sources can use CBS to submit RGGI Certificate of Representation data, such as, add/edit facility or unit data; add/edit Designated Representatives, or owners/operators. Alternatively, you may complete the RGGI Certificate of Representation Form (DOC)(8 pp, 91 K) available here.
Topic | Name | Phone Number | |
Acid Rain Permitting | Robert Miller | 202-343-9077 | |
Air Markets Program Data (AMPD) | Karen VanSickle | 202-343-9220 | |
Allowance Auction | Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | |
Allowance Queries | Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | |
Allowance Transfers | Paula Branch | 202-343-9168 | |
Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | | |
Annual Compliance | Paula Branch | 202-343-9168 | |
Robert Miller | 202-343-9077 | | |
Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | | |
Applicability | Robert Miller | 202-343-9077 | |
Assigning Agents for the CAMD Business System (CBS) | Laurel Desantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
CAMD Business System (CBS) | Laurel Desantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Paula Branch | 202-343-9168 | | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | | |
CBS/ECMPS User IDs and Passwords | Karen VanSickle | 202-343-9220 | |
Paula Branch | 202-343-9168 | | |
Kirk Nabors | 202-343-9171 | | |
Certificates of Representation | Laurel Desantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Robert Miller | 202-343-9077 | | |
Data Requests | Kirk Nabors | 202-343-9171 | |
Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) | Louis Nichols | 202-343-9008 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 1 (NH, VT, ME, MA, RI, CT) | Jenny Jachim | 202-343-9590 | |
Louis Nichols | 202-343-9008 | | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 2 (NY, NJ, PR, VI) | Carlos Martinez | 202-343-9747 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 3 (PA, MD, DE, DC, VA, WV) | Charles Frushour | 202-343-9847 | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 4 (KY, TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL) | Carlos Martinez | 202-343-9747 | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 5 (MN, WI, MI, IL, IN, OH) | Louis Nichols | 202-343-9008 | |
Jenny Jachim | 202-343-9590 | | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 6 (NM, TX, OK, AR, LA) | Travis Johnson | 202-343-9018 | |
Kevin Tran | 202-343-9074 | | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 7 (NE, KS, IA, MO) | Robert Vollaro | 202-343-9116 | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting- Region 8 (MT, ND, SD, WY, UT, CO) | Ronald Sobocinski | 202-343-9222 | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 9 (CA, NV, AZ, HI) | Carlos Martinez | 202-343-9747 | |
Monitoring/Emissions Reporting - Region 10 (WA, OR, ID, AK) | Jenny Jachim | 202-343-9590 | |
General Accounts | Paula Branch | 202-343-9168 | |
Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | | |
Long Term Cold Storage | Laurel DeSantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
New Unit Exemption | Laurel DeSantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
NOx Budget Trading Program | Kenon Smith | 202-343-9164 | |
NOx Compliance Plans | Robert Miller | 202-343-9077 | |
Retired Unit Exemption | Laurel DeSantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | | |
Source Management System | Laurel Desantis | 202-343-9191 | |
Craig Hillock | 202-343-9105 | |