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Analysis of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update

On September 7, 2016, EPA finalized the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update.  EPA's power sector analysis for this proposal uses IPM v.5.15.

Supplemental Documentation for the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update

For the power-sector analysis of the CSAPR Update, the EPA revised several modeling assumptions incremental to the IPM v.5.15 Base Case, but continued to use the v.5.15 platform. To learn more about these changes, see the EPA v.5.15 CSAPR Update Base Cases Using IPM Incremental Documentation.

Part of the incremental updates to the v.5.15 Base Case for the v.5.15 CSAPR Update Base Cases was updating the National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) v.5.15. Below is the version of NEEDS used for the final modeling for the CSAPR Update. Versions of NEEDS for the Air Quality Modeling Base Case and Illustrative Base Case can be found in the docket for this rule.

This supplemental documentation complements more comprehensive modeling documentation available at EPA's Base Case v.5.15 using IPM.

IPM Run Files

Download IPM run files for the CSAPR Update using the links in the table below. Click on the IPM run name in the first column of the table below to download a file. The files are posted in one of two formats, a zipped archive or an excel spreadsheet, and contain the following:

  • More detailed information on the modeling framework, specific scenarios, assumptions, and other important details of the analysis can be found in the Regulatory Impact Analysis that accompanies the CSAPR Update.
  • Detailed IPM input and output files (i.e., .DAT, System Summary Report, .RPE, and RPT files) for the listed runs. Review the guide of IPM input and output files for IPM v.5.15.
IPM Run Name IPM Run Description
IPM v5.15 Air Quality Modeling Base Case for the CSAPR Update Base case model run, including the national Title IV SO2 cap and trade program; Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS); the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule; and settlements and state rules through January 2016 impacting SO2, NOX, directly emitted PM and CO2.
IPM v5.15 Illustrative Base Case for the CSAPR Update Base case model run, including the national Title IV SO2 cap and trade program; Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS); The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR); and settlements and state rules through January 2016  impacting SO2, NOX, directly emitting PM and CO2.
IPM v5.15 Illustrative $1,400 Per Ton EGU Cost Threshold Assessment This run evaluates EGU NOX reduction potential at a uniform cost threshold of $1,400 per ton.  This run was used to develop the Illustrative emissions budget.
IPM v5.15 Illustrative Policy Case for the CSAPR Update This run assumes illustrative emission control levels in upwind states at the stringency level considered in the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update, to inform air quality modeling projections and the RIA benefit-cost analysis.
IPM v5.15 Final Base Case for the CSAPR Update Base case model run, including the national Title IV SO2 cap and trade program; Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS); The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR); and settlements and state rules through January 2016 impacting SO2, NOX, directly emitting PM and CO2.
IPM v5.15 Final $1,400 Per Ton EGU Cost Threshold Assessment This run evaluates EGU NOX reduction potential at a uniform cost threshold of $1,400 per ton.  This run was used to develop the emissions budgets for the CSAPR Update.
IPM v5.15 Final Policy Case for the CSAPR Update This run assumes the finalized emission control levels in upwind states at the stringency level considered in the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update, to inform air quality modeling projections and the RIA benefit-cost analysis.