Clean Air Research Center Grants


EPA is at the forefront of advancing air quality science. In the real world, people are exposed to multiple air pollutants, yet many conclusions about air pollution risks are based on research that considers only one pollutant at a time. To study the health effects of multiple air pollutant mixtures, EPA is investing nearly $32 million between 2011 and 2016 in four university-based Clean Air Research Centers (CLARCs) located across the Unites States.

The CLARCs offer an opportunity to approach complex air quality and health issues in an integrated and multidisciplinary manner that would not be possible through individual grants to single investigators.

The research will provide important information that can be used to protect the public health.

Research Focus

Each Center will receive approximately $8 million over the five-year grant period to study a range of exposures to various air pollution sources and mixtures and their associated health effects.

EPA is expecting the CLARCs to advance our understanding of the human health effects of exposures to particulate matter, ozone, and other air hazards. The CLARCs will also address how social conditions and other factors affect health outcomes from exposure to air pollution.

While each CLARC will have its own research emphasis, the Centers will also work together to conduct cross-center collaborative research.

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