Air Emissions Inventories

Volume 10 - Emissions Projections, Final Report

This document provides technical documentation for projections of future emissions as a part of the ten volumes of the Emissions Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) materials. These volumes provide standard procedures for calculating air emissions data with targeted quality objectives using cost effective approaches, but in some cases have become outdated.

“Volume 10 – Emissions Projections” provides a reference for estimating future year emissions from a variety of sources. The report describes some of the original approaches used to estimate emissions of future year emissions, and provides guidance on definitions used for key concepts of emissions projections. The document also provides recommendations on spatial, temporal, and chemical speciation considerations as well as quality assurance for emissions projections.

The methods described in this volume have greatly evolved over the years into newer methods. The newer methods have been included and documented by EPA as part of its documentation of emissions “modeling platforms”. For the latest methods, tools, and documentation on emissions projection approaches, please refer to the latest modeling platform available from the Emissions Modeling Clearinghouse website.

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