America's Children and the Environment (ACE)

Statistical Analysis Documents for ACE3 Indicators

Statistical Methods Documents

The statistical methods memoranda below are referred to in the Methods descriptions for many of the ACE3 indicators. Two of the memoranda present statistical methods used for the analyses of Biomonitoring and Health indicators that are derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), and other surveys. The third memorandum focuses on the air indicators in the Environments and Contaminants section, which are based on trends in annual summary statistics that are not derived from survey data.
The statistical methods are used to inform which observed trends and demographic differences in ACE3 indicators are large enough to be highlighted in discussions about the findings rather than being attributed to random variation.

Standard Error (SE) Tables

These tables, available as Microsoft Excel files, provide additional statistical data for all Biomonitoring indicators; the Respiratory Diseases, Childhood Cancer, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Obesity indicators in the Health section; and the Indoor Environments indicators in the Environments and Contaminants section of ACE3. The tables provide standard errors, relative standard errors, sample sizes, and other data.