About EPA

Organization Chart for EPA's Region 6 Office


Region 6 Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator



Office of External Affairs

Multimedia Division

Management Division

Superfund Division

Office of Environmental Justice, Tribal, and International Affairs

Water Division

Compliance Assurance and Enforcement Division

Office of Regional Counsel


Ron Curry, Regional Administrator

Sam Coleman, Deputy Regional Administrator

EPA’s Region 6 office includes:

Office of External Affairs

Director: David Gray

What We Do: The Office of External Affairs is responsible for maintaining effective relationships with federal, state, and local elected and appointed officials, community groups and media. The office also serves as the Regional Administrator's focal point for speaking events and Environmental Education and directs the public to appropriate sources of information through the Public Information Center.

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Management Division

Assistant Regional Administrator for Management: James McDonald

What We Do: The Management Division is responsible for laboratory analysis, strategic planning, budget and financial resources, human resources, information planning and management, computer services, telecommunications, and administrative support.

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Multimedia Division

Director: Wren Stenger

What We Do: The Multimedia Division is responsible for the federal Clean Air Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, and the federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. The division has enforcement responsibilities for the Underground Storage Tank program, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and the pesticides program.

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Superfund Division

Director: Carl Edlund, P.E.

What We Do: The Superfund Division implements and enforces the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, and the Oil Pollution Act and the Brownfields program.

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Office of Regional Counsel

Regional Counsel: Jim Payne

What We Do: The Office of Regional Counsel is responsible for advising on the legal sufficiency of permits, program delegation to the states, grants, Freedom of Information Act, general law, personnel and ethics issues, as well as providing official legal interpretation of Agency regulations.

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Compliance Assurance and Enforcement Division

Acting Director: Stacey Dwyer

What We Do:

The Compliance Assurance and Enforcement Division promotes environmental compliance with federal environmental regulations in partnership with our states and tribes. They are responsible for single and multimedia inspections, investigations, and where appropriate, enforcement actions for violations of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Hazardous Waste), Public Water Supply, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The division also serves and the Region’s focal point for Compliance Assistance, National Environmental Policy Act reviews and the Regional Air Impact Modeling Initiative. These tools aids in the viewing impacts on the environment.

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Water Division

Director: Bill Honker

What We Do: The Water Divisions provides oversight of the water programs in Region 6. The division communicates EPA’s national and regional operating guidance to the states and tribes and assists them in developing comprehensive water programs through federal funding and technical assistance. With these and other resources, states develop the capability to assume federal water programs through delegation agreements. Technical and financial assistance is also provided to state and local agencies and to tribes.

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Office of Environmental Justice, Tribal, and International Affairs

Director: Arturo Blanco

What We Do: The Office of Environmental Justice, Tribal, and International Affairs works closely with communities to facilitate culturally sensitive communication, find solutions, or reduce environmental challenges. The Environmental Justice program’s goal is to ensure that all people are protected from disproportionate impacts of environmental hazards by working with and on behalf of impacted communities. The U.S.-Mexico Border program honors commitments for joint U.S. and Mexico responsibility under the La Paz Agreement for protection of the environment and public health in the border region. The Tribal Affairs program serves 66 federally recognized Tribes on a government-to-government basis, consistent with their inherent sovereignty, to resolve environmental concerns. The Office of Environmental Justice, Tribal, and International Affairs also administers the General Assistance Program (GAP) that awards grants to tribes; implements the Border 2020 plan; and administers EJ2020 throughout Region 6.

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