EPA in Hawaii
- Alien Seaweeds
- Superfund Cleanup Sites in Hawaii
- Land Revitalization in Hawaii
- Protecting Coral Reefs
- EPA awards Hawaii over $18.6 million to improve water quality, protect public health
The Department of Health will provide low-cost loans to the counties to upgrade drinking water and wastewater facilities. In Hawaii, where most of the wastewater treatment occurs along the coast, funding will modernize aging systems, and make facilities more energy and water efficient. Statewide, the total infrastructure needs for both clean water and drinking water are estimated at $3 billion. - EPA awards Hawaii over $18.6 million to improve water quality, protect public health
EPA announced a settlement valued at more than $600,000 with Mid Pac Petroleum, LLC, resolving federal Clean Air Act violations at the company’s Kawaihae facility on the Island of Hawaii. Mid Pac Petroleum will spend an estimated $432,000 to bring its facility into compliance with the law, and has agreed to pay a $200,000 civil penalty.

Hawaii is part of EPA's Pacific Southwest Region