About EPA's Science Advisory Organizations
Internal Science Advisory Organizations
Office of Science Policy - Coordinates and shares information among EPA's laboratories and centers, and provides expert advice on the use of scientific information.
Office of the Science Advisor - Provides leadership in cross-Agency science and science policy development and implementation to ensure the best possible use of science at the Agency.
Science and Technology Policy Council - Addresses EPA's significant science policy issues that go beyond regional and program boundaries. Contributes guidance for selected EPA regulatory and enforcement policies and decisions.
External Science Advisory Organizations
Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis - Provides advice on technical and economic aspects of reports EPA prepares on the Clean Air Act's effects.
Board of Scientific Counselors - Provides advice, information, and recommendations to EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) on technical and management issues of its research programs.
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee - Provides advice on the technical bases for EPA's national ambient air quality standards program.
National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology - Advises the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology and management issues.
Science Advisory Board - Provides peer review and other types of expert advice on a wide range of topics in science and technology.