About the Acting Administrator for EPA's New England Region (Region 1)
Deborah Szaro
Deborah SzaroA career EPA employee since 1987, Deborah Szaro has served as the EPA Region 1 Deputy Regional Administrator since March 2014.
In this capacity, Szaro is responsible for managing both budget and multidisciplinary personnel in EPA's efforts to protect human health and the environment within EPA Region 1, in conjunction with the six New England States (Conn., Mass., Maine, N.H., R.I., Vermont) and 10 tribes.
Prior to her current role, Szaro directed the Division of Environmental Science and Assessment in EPA Region 2's laboratory facility in Edison, N.J. from 2002 - 2014. There, she was responsible for directing and managing a diverse staff of scientists, engineers and technicians engaged in ambient and source monitoring for all environmental media, the generation of data used in enforcement actions, development and implementation of data quality assurance polices and protocols, and the operation of the regional analytical testing laboratory.
Szaro began her EPA career in 1987 in EPA Region 1, where she served as Laboratory Technical Project Officer and Quality System Team Leader. Before her government career, Szaro served on the staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Chemistry Lab, and she was a manager with Cambridge Analytical Associates, an environmental consulting company in Cambridge, Mass. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Northeastern University in Boston, Mass.
Having spent much of her career practicing and then managing scientific analysis and research at EPA, Deborah Szaro is a staunch advocate that quality-controlled sound science be the foundation of EPA's risk assessments and policy decisions.