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Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns (G3) Funding Opportunities

One of the main obstacles small to mid-sized communities face is funding their G3 projects.  However, there are a variety of federal, state, and local funding sources available for projects that incorporate green infrastructure.  The many benefits provided by incorporating green infrastructure into the suburban and urban landscapes, projects that include green elements are extremely competitive, especially if they are supported by several partners.  Below you will find information on other available funding sources to help bring your community's "green vision" to life.  In addition to federal funding, be sure to check with your state and local government and non-profit organizations for additional sources of grant funding that may be available.  

EPA Grants:

  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund - The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program is a federal-state partnership that provides communities a permanent, independent source of low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects: wastewater treatment, stormwater management, nonpoint source pollution control, and watershed and estuary management.  
  • Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grants - EPA's Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program's mission is to provide greater federal leadership in state and local nonpoint source efforts. The grants support a variety of projects including technical and financial assistance, education and training, technology transfer, demonstration projects, and monitoring to assess the success of projects implemented under the grant.
  • Urban Waters Small Grants - The mission of EPA’s Urban Waters Program is to help local residents and their organizations, particularly those in underserved communities, restore their urban waters in ways that also benefit community and economic revitalization.
  • Smart Growth Grants - "Smart growth" covers a range of development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, and more socially diverse.  The Office of Sustainable Communities occasionally offers Smart Growth grants to support activities that improve the quality of development and protect human health and the environment.  EPA's Smart Growth website also includes links to regional, state, and local opportunities for funding smart growth projects  
  • Environmental Justice Grants - The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships to help them understand and address environmental and public health concerns in their communities.

EPA Finance Centers:

  • Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center - The Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center identifies financing approaches to help communities make better informed decisions for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure that are consistent with local needs.  The Center also helps communities identify financing options for resilient and sustainable infrastructure projects. Key components of resiliency include water efficiency, energy efficiency, green infrastructure, and water reuse.  Many resiliency projects for water utilities are eligible for federal and state financing.
  • Environmental Finance Centers - Environmental Finance Centers (EFCs) are university-based organizations that provide innovative solutions to communities to help manage the costs of environmental protection programs and activities.  EPA leverages funding provided through its grant program, which combines with other non-EPA funding sources to support the various EFCs.  EFCs deliver targeted technical assistance to, and partner with states, tribes, local governments, and the private sector in providing innovative solutions to help manage the costs of environmental financing and program management.

Funding Resources:

Applying for any type of grant is an exciting but resource-intense process. Below you will find several resources to help you get started and find funding opportunities.

  • Grants.gov - A common website for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply to them.  Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, Grants.gov is an E-Government initiative operating under the governance of the Office of Management and Budget. 
  • Financial Tools and Funding Sources for Environmental Programs - An EPA web site that provides information on general funding resources, in addition to specific funding resources for water, Brownfields, green building, international, state and local government, and tribes.  
  • Understanding, Managing, and Applying for EPA Grants - Every year, EPA awards over $4 billion in funding for grants and other assistance agreements. From small non-profit organizations to large state governments, EPA works to help many visionary organizations achieve their environmental goals.
  • EPA Grants 101 Tutorial - Learn how to apply for, manage and complete an EPA grant with these easy-to-follow steps.

​​​​For additional green infrastructure funding opportunities, please visit EPA's Green Infrastructure Funding Opportunities website.