Page 47 - WaterSense at Work

WaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities
Educating building occupants on using water efficiently at work is essential to any
organization’s water conservation efforts. This is especially true when new water-
efficient technologies or methods are being implemented. Installing a retrofit device
or replacing outdated technology or fixtures alone might not necessarily produce
expected water savings. Operation and maintenance procedures, retrofits, and
replacements are most effective when employees, contractors, and visitors all under-
stand their role in using them properly. It is also important to offer building occu-
pants simple, straightforward ways in which they can help reduce a facility’s water
use, along with good reasons for doing so. User education is a cost-effective way to
enhance your facility’s water-efficiency efforts—even small changes in user behavior
can result in significant water savings.
Best Practices
To improve water efficiency outside and within a facility, there are a number of best
practices to educate employees and other building occupants on water savings to
promote success.
Employee and Occupant Education
Consider the following approaches when educating employees and building occu-
pants on your water-efficiency initiative:
Share management’s commitment to water efficiency and the company’s water
management program through staff meetings, posters, emails, newsletters, and
other communications. Include specifics on water-efficiency goals whenever
Graph and post monthly water use figures so that building occupants can stay
informed about the facility’s progress and become invested in water-efficiency
Create point-of-use reminders to reinforce positive behaviors (e.g., place instruc-
tions next to dual-flush toilets).
Include water-efficiency messages in facility-wide events, such as fairs, open
houses, or Earth Day events.
Train maintenance personnel, operators, and supervisors on any new or revised
procedures involving water efficiency. Encourage relevant custodial, cleaning,
and maintenance personnel, as well as everyday users, to identify and report
leaks in accordance with
Section 2.3: Leak Detection and Repair
Make it easy to
report problems by setting up a user-friendly communication system such as a
hotline. Be sure to repair leaks promptly.
User Education and Facility